People like to talk and talk, about what they can do like a competition that they can do things better. not everyone does what they do as if it were a game. to win, to show off, to be better than another person.
some play for the love of the game.
for the love of doing good, for the love of helping.
But when they're asked to deliver, well They're exposed for who they are
Arrogant actions allying against all accusers Hiding their fear of worthwhile competition Guilty of committing the ugliest deeds: Trying to get their piece of recognition of actions not performed. Are they ever going to learn? that you can't succeed if the heart is not in it!
There's room for everyone to shine Stop trying to knock people off
your game is wicked
Focus on refining your abilities
There's no need for any combat
Be humble, thankful that you're here
The undeserving will eventually walk
Silence yourself until you're capable and can do what you say your going to do so much talk, but no actions.
Be silent I say and show me.