"Only God can judge me."......... Tupac (thanks mel & abel) i saw this and thought about all the people that like to judge everyone else. And if your reading this and are one of those people that say, " did you know so and so was with so and so " or "can you believe what she wore, drank, ate" than stop!! it's none of your buisness. And for all those reading this that like to talk about people after they walk by. Do you really have that much hatred in your heart? Do you have so much disapointment in your life that all you can do is try and hurt others so you can fell better? Not everyone has to hurt like you. You will continue to hurt as long as you are judging, talking and making stupid comments about everyone else. Because you will never be able to be happy untill you can be happy with yourself. You are so ready to judge everyone look at yourself first! ---------------Melissa  |