I was enrolled in a summer Service-Learning Program through ACCD. this blog follwed our adventures in San Antonio and in Oaxaca. It now holds some thoughts on life, and fun as well as comments. I will continue to post Oaxaca information as i get it. you will want to continue checking for updates since we are suppose to go back in March 07!
Exploring We Will Go
Monday, June 12, 2006
My first day at Oaxaca was getting my bearings. As we exited off the plane and into the small airport we were shuffled to the line to declare or country and sign our visa. Don't lose this slip of paper; you need it to board the plane to leave the country. AHHHH papers dont go well with me, Angie and Jeannette I can really use your help now.
As we boarded our taxi we were greeted with the beauty and smells of Oaxaca. You could smell the lavender as we drove off and made our way to our first destination, our hotel, Casa de la Tia. The cars moved so fast and the streets are a very tight fit. We arrived at the corner of our street and were dropped off. It was crazy in the middle of the street. Ok Dorothy your not in Kansas anymore
The main objective for the day was to get food, figure out how to get to and from the hotel, and explore!
Photos are when we first arrived and 1st meal at Hotel Posada del Virrey
Name: Melissa Rodriguez Home: San Antonio, Texas, United States About Me: New me, not the same one that started out in the begining of the summer. Oaxaca and what I saw here in SA changed me. I use to think I did a lot, volunteer for organizations, chair events. blablabla. But there is sooo much more to do! And i learned not to be afraid. Not that I was scared of things before. But not to be afraid to venture out and ask questions. Or to say NO! And to ask why something can't happen. To be in the middle of all that and not knowing what tomorrow held. Finding out who really loved you when you called home, who was waiting for your call.. maybe my last call, that woke me up to what i want for my life....New me ..braver, more aggressive, and more FOCUS than ever on a GOAL!
UPDATE: one goal completed since last updated: i graduating w/ my AA in PR!
2nd goal going to OLLU for my BS.
3rd goal: WE ARE GOING BACK TO OAXACA!!! See my complete profile